Decoding “The Item is Processed at the PostNL Sorting Center”

the item is processed at the postnl sorting center

Have you ordered a package from China, AliExpress, or another overseas retailer that is being shipped through PostNL? At some point you probably saw the tracking status “The Item is Processed at the PostNL Sorting Center”.

But what exactly does this ambiguous update mean? Where is your package, and how long until delivery?

This comprehensive guide will explain everything you need to know about the “Processed at PostNL Sorting Center” tracking alert. You’ll learn what happens during processing, where your parcel is located, next steps after sorting, and what to do if your PostNL tracking gets stuck or delayed.

Whether you’re an online shopper awaiting your AliExpress haul or just sent a care package to a friend in the Netherlands, read on to become a PostNL tracking expert!

An Introduction to PostNL and Its Sorting Center Operations

As the leading postal operator in the Netherlands, PostNL handles the final delivery of all international mail and parcels entering the country. Major carriers like DHL and national postal services hand over shipments to PostNL once they arrive in Dutch territory.

To process the massive daily volume of inbound packages, PostNL relies on a network of large-scale sorting centers located in major cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Eindhoven and Zwolle.

These facilities essentially serve as hubs where inbound mail from origins like China, the US and beyond is sorted by destination postcode before going out for last mile delivery.

When your PostNL tracking says “The Item is Processed at the PostNL Sorting Center”, it means your parcel has arrived at one of these key sorting hubs to be prepared for delivery within the Netherlands.

What Exactly Does “Processed at PostNL Sorting Center” Mean?

what exactly does processed at postnl sorting center mean

The “Processed at PostNL Sorting Center” tracking notification signifies that your package has entered one of PostNL’s main mail facilities after arriving in the Netherlands.

At the sorting center, your parcel will undergo the following steps:

  • Unloading from the truck, plane or other transportation used for inbound international mail
  • Scanning of the barcode to register the item in PostNL’s system
  • Sorting into batches based on the destination postcode
  • Dispatch to the correct regional distribution center and local post office

So in short, you can think of PostNL’s sorting centers as international mail pit stops where packages get prepped and routed for domestic delivery after arriving from abroad.

Pinpointing Your Parcel’s Location Based on the Tracking Update

When you receive the “Processed at PostNL Sorting Center” alert, your package could potentially be at one of three different stages of its journey:

  • Origin country – If this update comes right after shipping, your parcel is likely at a PostNL facility at the origin before leaving the country. For example, if you ordered from China, the item is still in China but has reached the PostNL sorting center in preparation for international dispatch.
  • Transit country – Your package may be scanned at a PostNL sorting hub in an intermediate country while en route to you. For instance, it could pass through a facility in Belgium on the way to your address in France.
  • Destination country – If the update comes after other alerts like “Arrived in destination country”, your parcel has entered your country and is being processed at your local PostNL sorting center before final delivery.

Checking the full sequence of tracking events will clarify exactly where your package is located when you receive the “Processed at PostNL” notice. But you’re one step closer to delivery regardless!

What Happens After the Item is Processed at the Sorting Center?

Once your parcel finishes processing at the PostNL sorting hub, the main next steps include:

  • Transport to the correct regional distribution center for your postcode. Each Dutch province has its own distribution point that serves local post offices.
  • Arrival at the local post office or delivery unit responsible for your zip code. This is usually the final stop before the mail carrier.
  • Out for delivery when the package gets loaded on the truck for last mile transportation to your address.
  • Delivery by your friendly PostNL mailman in the standard 1-3 days after leaving the sorting center! Rural and remote areas may wait 3 days, while urban addresses often receive parcels the next working day.

So the “Processed at PostNL” update means your package is locked and loaded for dispatch to your region. The final delivery countdown begins once sorting finishes!

“My PostNL Tracking is Stuck!” – What to Do If Your Package is Delayed

my postnl tracking is stuck! - what to do if your package is delayed

Seeing your tracking stuck at “The Item is Processed at the PostNL Sorting Center” can be frustrating and concerning. But before hitting the panic button, here are some tips:

  • Wait 7-14 days – Sorting delays of a few days are common. Unless your mail is express, patience is key!
  • Check for scans – There may be no further updates until the parcel leaves the facility. Lack of scans doesn’t necessarily mean a problem.
  • Contact PostNL – If still stuck after a couple weeks, reach out to customer service via phone or Twitter. They can investigate issues.
  • Dispute with seller – If purchased via AliExpress, open a dispute before your buyer protection expires.

Getting stuck in transit is an unfortunate reality of international shipping. But PostNL has an excellent delivery record, so remain calmly optimistic!

Use a Universal Tracking App as a PostNL Tracking Supplement

When anxiously awaiting an overseas delivery, it never hurts to cover all bases. A universal tracking app like ParcelsApp or 17Track can provide added visibility in these situations.

Here’s how they can supplement PostNL tracking:

  • Enter PostNL tracking number in the app to pull up available events
  • The app aggregates data from hundreds of carriers worldwide
  • May surface additional scans not on PostNL’s site
  • If PostNL handed to another carrier like DHL, this will be visible

Think of it like tracking insurance – a way to double check PostNL’s tracking and ensure nothing gets missed. Two tracking systems are better than one!

Estimating Delivery After Processing Based on Your Location

Once your parcel gets sorted at the PostNL facility, how long should you expect to wait until it reaches your address?

While delivery speed varies, here are typical timeframes based on where you live:

  • Major cities: 1-2 days – Short travel distance from the sorting hub
  • Smaller towns: 2-3 days – Further to reach local post office
  • Rural/remote areas: Up to 3 days – Final delivery leg takes longer

So urban recipients can hope for their PostNL packages the next working day after processing. But allow up to 3 days if you live in an isolated area far from the sorting center.

Don’t Lose Hope! Recovery Options for Lost PostNL Packages

Despite PostNL’s extensive infrastructure and technology, it’s possible for a parcel to get lost or damaged beyond repair during shipping.

While unlikely, it’s a scenario worth preparing for. Here are some recovery tips if your PostNL package goes missing:

  • Check buyer protection timeframes – AliExpress gives you 60 days to open disputes. Know your deadline!
  • Request inspection from PostNL – They can search facilities and trucks to locate missing items.
  • Open claim – If no results from PostNL inspection, file a claim for lost mail.
  • Refund/reship – Leverage buyer guarantees with AliExpress, eBay etc to get your money back or a replacement item reshipped.

With some perseverance and leveraging buyer protection policies, you can get made whole from a lost PostNL delivery. Don’t give up hope!

The Takeaway: Becoming a PostNL Tracking Expert

Understanding the meaning behind cryptic tracking updates like “Processed at PostNL Sorting Center” is key to navigating international ecommerce shipping.

To recap the key points:

  • The update means your package arrived at a PostNL sorting facility to process it for delivery after entering the Netherlands.
  • Check other tracking events to identify if it’s still in origin, transit, or destination country.
  • Wait patiently as sorting usually takes just 1-2 days before transportation to your local post office.
  • Contact PostNL or the seller if tracking stuck in one place for over 2 weeks to resolve issues.
  • Use PostNL’s phone, Twitter and website for customer service inquiries.
  • Track through ParcelsApp or 17Track to cover all bases.

So next time you see that mysterious “Processed at PostNL Sorting Center” tracking status, no need to fret. Your parcel is one step closer to your door!

Stay vigilant, be patient, and you’ll have your online order or care package swiftly in your hands.

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