How to Get Fast Shipping on AliExpress: The Ultimate Guide

how to get fast shipping on aliexpress

One of the biggest complaints about shopping on AliExpress is the long shipping times. Many buyers get frustrated waiting weeks or even months for their orders to arrive. The good news is there are ways to get faster shipping on AliExpress. In this ultimate guide, we’ll cover strategies to significantly reduce your AliExpress shipping times.

Slow shipping is a deal-breaker for many online shoppers. Studies show 63% of consumers expect standard delivery within 3 days. Long wait times lead to cart abandonment and lost sales for eCommerce businesses.

Faster shipping boosts customer satisfaction, which leads to more repeat buyers and positive reviews. It’s a competitive advantage that can help your online store stand out.

So how can you get fast shipping on AliExpress? We’ll dive deep into proven tips and tactics, including:

  • Finding suppliers with local warehouses near your customers
  • Identifying “VIP” listings optimized for faster fulfillment
  • Testing different shipping methods and suppliers
  • Communicating with sellers to request expedited options
  • Considering alternative supplier sources closer to your market

Let’s get started optimizing your AliExpress shipping for speed!

Why Fast Shipping Matters for Your Online Store

Shipping speed directly impacts crucial eCommerce metrics like conversion rates, abandoned carts, and customer lifetime value.

84% of shoppers say they won’t purchase again after a negative delivery experience. Expectations are only rising as industry leaders like Amazon normalize 2-day or same-day shipping.

For dropshipping businesses sourcing from AliExpress, slow shipping can be a major roadblock. Two to four week delivery windows are enough to scare many customers away.

But don’t worry – you can remain competitive by implementing smart shipping strategies. More on that soon!

Understanding AliExpress Shipping Methods and Timelines

Before we optimize for speed, let’s cover the standard AliExpress shipping options:

AliExpress Standard Shipping:

This free option typically takes 20-27 days to reach the United States. It’s extremely economical but painfully slow for modern shoppers.

AliExpress Premium Shipping:

For around $18, delivery takes 4-7 days. You get faster logistics but pay a premium.


Using premier couriers like DHL can get your package in 2 days from China – but expect to pay $50-$60 or more per shipment.

EMS (Express Mail Service):

At around $21, EMS will deliver to the US in 5-6 days. A reasonable balance of speed and cost.

As you can see, free AliExpress shipping is unacceptably slow for most shoppers. But paying $50+ for 2-day DHL likely wipes out your margins.

The solution? Finding that sweet spot with smarter sourcing and shipping optimization tactics.

Strategies to Get Faster Shipping on AliExpress

Find Suppliers with Local Warehouses

The easiest way to drastically cut delivery times? Find AliExpress suppliers who store inventory in warehouses near your customers.

Look for the “Ship From” filter and select your target country/region. The product may already be in local warehouses, bypassing the long journey from China.

For example, orders from US warehouses can arrive in just 4 days on average. EU warehouses ship across Europe in under a week.

Identify “VIP” Product Listings and Suppliers

Some suppliers create special optimized “VIP” listings for dropshippers and frequent buyers. These may qualify for:

  • Priority processing and faster shipment
  • Discounted product pricing
  • Optimized packing (no ads/invoices included)

Suppliers prioritize these listings because they want to retain high-volume customers like yourself.

Test and Compare Shipping Methods and Suppliers

Don’t just assume the listed shipping estimate is accurate. The same order can vary widely using different:

  • AliExpress shipping methods (Standard, Premium, ePacket, etc.)
  • Courier services (DHL, EMS, UPS, etc.)
  • Suppliers and their processing speeds

Conduct test orders to find the true fastest options for your target location. Then optimize your supply chain accordingly.

Communicate with Suppliers for Faster Shipping Options

Don’t be afraid to open conversations with promising AliExpress suppliers. Explain that you need faster shipping for your dropshipping business.

The supplier may be able to arrange expedited shipping using unlisted couriers or services. Yes, it may cost more – but a reasonable upcharge could be worth the savings in customer satisfaction.

Consider Alternative Suppliers Closer to Your Target Market

For the fastest shipping possible, it may be time to look beyond AliExpress. There are many great suppliers located in the US, EU, and other major markets.

Sourcing from domestic or regional suppliers virtually eliminates long transoceanic shipping times. Higher product costs may offset with competitive advantage and efficiency gains.

Tips for Choosing Reliable Fast Shipping Suppliers

So you’ve found some suppliers advertising fast shipping – great! But how can you assess if they’re legitimately reliable? Here are some tips:

  • Read customer reviews and feedback: But be aware, these can be faked. Look for detailed, authentic-sounding reviews.
  • Evaluate shipping policies and track record: Do they provide timely tracking? What are their delivery guarantees? How long is processing?
  • Compare total costs including shipping fees: Shockingly high fees could offset product savings. Find a reasonable balance.
  • Test with small orders first: Before committing large order volumes, run some tests to verify shipping performance.

Always exercise due diligence. Finding a great fast shipping partner takes time but pays dividends.

Balancing Shipping Speed and Cost

Of course, faster shipping comes at a premium price. You have to weigh those costs against the benefits:

Customer Satisfaction and Retention:

Faster shipping leads to happier customers who aremore likely to buy again. Over time, the lifetime value can outweigh shipping costs.

Competitive Advantage:

If rivals stick to slow AliExpress shipping, you can position your store as the “fast and reliable” option.

Streamlined Logistics:

Using optimized supply chain and fulfillment can bring other efficiencies beyond just shipping speed.

There’s no one-size-fits all answer. Cheaper standard shipping may be adequate for some products. For hot items or time-sensitive niches, paying more for speed could supercharge sales.

The bottom line? Don’t sacrifice customer experience solely for pennies in up-front savings.

Dropshipping with AliExpress and Fast Shipping

Optimizing shipping as an AliExpress dropshipper takes some work – but it’s well worth the investment. Here are some tips:

Use dropshipping tool integrations like Oberlo: Apps like Oberlo streamline sourcing from AliExpress, including helpful supplier shipping data.

Maintain a shipping supplier matrix: Spreadsheets, databases, or CRMs tracking suppliers, locations, processing times, and performance metrics are invaluable.

Test and optimize relentlessly: Constantly sample new products and suppliers looking for that competitive advantage. Shipping is an essential success factor.

Communicate transparently with customers: Be upfront about realistic shipping estimates. Underpromise and overdeliver to “delight” customers.

Dropshipping is a tough business – you need every advantage you can get. Mastering fast, reliable shipping puts you miles ahead.

Wrapping Up: Fast Shipping is Essential for eCommerce Success

In today’s world of Amazon-trained shoppers, slow shipping just doesn’t cut it for eCommerce businesses. Customers demand speed and convenience.

At first glance, AliExpress presents a major challenge with those long delivery windows from China. But there are ways to get fast shipping on AliExpress and satisfy customers.

It takes a strategic, multi-pronged approach:

  • Sourcing from suppliers with local/regional warehouses
  • Identifying “VIP” listings prioritized for faster shipping
  • Testing different couriers and shipping methods
  • Communicating with suppliers to “upgrade” to expedited shipping
  • Weighing logistics costs against customer satisfaction gains

With some up-front work, you can absolutely provide impressively fast shipping from AliExpress – or make the call to diversify your supply chain.

Either way, understand that delivery speed is a huge factor in eCommerce success. You can’t afford to ignore it. Make shipping a priority and watch customer loyalty and sales soar!

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