Decoding “Crossing Border and In Transit to Carrier Hub” Landmark Global Tracking Status

crossing border and in transit to carrier hub

You’re tracking that long-awaited international delivery and suddenly see the status update “crossing border and in transit to carrier hub” from Landmark Global. What does this ambiguous tracking update actually mean?

This simply indicates your package has left the origin country and is now being transported to a sorting facility operated by Landmark Global in the destination country.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover:

  • Detailed breakdown of the “crossing border and in transit” tracking status
  • Common Landmark Global shipments where you may see this
  • What to expect after your package shows this status
  • Troubleshooting tips if your tracking seems stuck
  • Explaining confusing backwards tracking
  • Key takeaways to understand this milestone

Demystifying the Meaning of “Crossing Border and In Transit to Carrier Hub”

When your Landmark Global package tracking shows the status “crossing border and in transit to carrier hub,” it’s only natural to wonder what exactly is happening with your shipment. Let’s break it down step-by-step:

The “crossing border” component indicates that your package has officially exited the origin country, which could be where the sender shipped it from originally or an intermediate country it transited through. It is now in the process of entering the destination country’s border on its journey to the delivery address.

In transit” is self-explanatory – it means your package is actively in motion. It’s likely traveling via truck or air at this stage, making tangible progress to its next stop.

The final part about “carrier hub” refers to a sorting facility or transportation hub operated by Landmark Global where inbound packages are processed. Think of this facility as a central organizing point for shipments before they get routed to their final local delivery post office.

So in plain terms, this Landmark Global tracking status means your package has left the origin country and is being transported to the main sorting hub for the carrier in the destination country. It’s an important milestone that indicates progress!

When Will You See This Tracking Update?

The “crossing border and in transit to carrier hub” notice tends to appear in common scenarios for Landmark Global shipments crossing international borders:

USA to Canada Shipments (and Vice Versa)

Landmark Global frequently handles shipments traveling between the United States and Canada in both directions. So if you’re tracking a package moving between these two countries, you’ll commonly receive this status update when it crosses the border and transitions sorting facility oversight.

Within Europe International Shipments

In addition to USA and Canada parcels, Landmark Global provides delivery services for packages sent internationally within Europe. If you’re tracking a shipment sent from Germany to France for example, you can expect to see the “crossing border” update when it leaves Germany and enters France en route to the local sorting hub.

What Happens After Your Package Shows “In Transit to Carrier Hub” Status?

what happens after your package shows “in transit to carrier hub” status

Once your Landmark Global package displays the “in transit to carrier hub” tracking status after crossing border, you can expect a few next steps:

Confirmation of Customs Clearance

If your shipment requires formal customs clearance (which is common for most international packages), the first notable update you may get after this is “customs cleared” or something similar. This indicates any customs paperwork and screening processes have been completed satisfactorily.

Scanning at Courier Facility

Assuming the Landmark Global carrier hub is located reasonably close to the final delivery destination address, your package will likely be scanned upon arrival there. If not, it may be transported first to another regional sorting facility before moving closer to its destination.

But the key thing is – once scanned into a sorting facility, it can undergo processing, sorting and dispatching to local post offices for the final delivery leg.

Troubleshooting If Your Landmark Global Tracking Seems Stuck

Sometimes international deliveries can be prone to delays at key checkpoints like customs and carrier transfers. If your Landmark Global tracking has not updated beyond “crossing border and in transit to carrier hub” for several days or longer, here are tips on addressing it:

Verify Tracking Number

First things first, double and triple check that the tracking number you’re monitoring corresponds to your Landmark Global package. Sometimes a simple typo can lead to checking updates for the wrong shipment.

Contact Landmark Global

If the tracking number is 100% correct, reach out to Landmark Global customer service with details on your stalled package. Provide the tracking number, origin/destination details, shipment date, and any other confirmations you have. Hopefully they can investigate, provide reassurance, or troubleshoot directly with regional delivery partners.

Transition to Local Courier

One scenario that commonly leads to stalled Landmark Global tracking is handing over the package to local Canada Post, USPS, Royal Mail or another entity for final delivery. This transition can cause tracking updates to end until you check the system for whoever handles final delivery.

So you may need to copy/paste the tracking into your local postal service’s website instead to pick up the trail again and get current status. Rest assured your package is likely still making timely progress.

Perplexing Tracking: Shipment Appears to Go Backwards

If you’ve ordered enough stuff online, you may encounter the strange phenomenon when international tracking seems to take confusing backwards steps. This manifests as seeing an “arrived in destination country” scan followed later by an “origin country” scan.

While peculiar, there’s actually a simple explanation for this common occurrence:

For smooth deliveries without customs delays, shipping details often get transmitted electronically to authorities before the physical package arrives at the airport/border. So if paperwork checks out, systems can show “cleared customs” immediately while the parcel truck is still en route.

Later when the actual box crosses the border and gets unloaded at the sorting hub, you’ll see “crossing border” or related updates at this stage. The tracking history then shows out of sequence statuses even though everything is going as planned!

Key Takeaways for “Crossing Border and In Transit to Carrier Hub”

To wrap things up, here are the main things to know about this common Landmark Global tracking update:

  • It signals your package has officially exited its origin country and entered international transit to the destination
  • You’ll typically see it for shipments crossing between the USA & Canada or within Europe
  • Look for customs and carrier hub scans next signaling arrival in destination country
  • If stalled, confirm tracking number and contact Landmark Global or local delivery post
  • Backwards tracking is rare but simply shows electronic vs. physical processing order

So in short, Landmark Global’s “crossing border and in transit to carrier hub” status means your package is made it through dispatch formalities on the sending side and is en route to your side of the world!

More Questions About Your Shipment?

International shipping can be tricky to track with various carriers and checkpoints. But hopefully this guide has equipped you to better understand the meaning of Landmark Global’s “in transit to carrier hub” tracking notice.

Of course, every delivery is unique, so don’t hesitate to reach out to customer service if your shipment remains stuck in transit longer than expected. Agents can investigate and provide assurance that your package is indeed still making progress toward its destination.

Final Thoughts

Getting an “in transit to carrier hub” tracking update from Landmark Global is actually a reassuring milestone for international orders. While the wording may seem vague, it signals successful departure from the origin and transportation underway for the sort facility in the destination country.

Armed with the tips in this guide, you can maintain confidence in the delivery timeline. Simply keep an eye out for subsequent tracking scans confirming customs clearance, carrier facility arrival, and dispatch for last-mile postal delivery.

And if you encounter any hiccups like delayed updates beyond the transit carrier hub stage, leverage troubleshooting steps like contacting Landmark Global support. This can get clarity directly from the source while avoiding unnecessary worries over standard international shipping intricacies.

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